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Spin #118 : Hot Buttered Soul : Isaac Hayes

Writer's picture: R’nR With RyloR’nR With Rylo


So last week was my birthday and I said that I would let you all know what happened. I was surprised with tickets to see the Ghost movie in the cinema - 'Rite Here, Rite Now'. It was a concert movie that added more story to the lore of Ghost and was really well done. I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it, but when it comes out on streaming or available to purchase, I do recommend it. Thanks to my family for helping babysit and the lovely gifts too.

The first time I heard this week's spin, was when I was browsing records at Frank's Wild Years in Thirroul. I was with mum and the lovely sounds of this soulful record caught our attention. I stopped flipping through the selections and listened to the smooth vocals of Isaac Hayes. I didn't know at first who I was listening too and asked the owner of the record store what record was she spinning. She let me know that it was called 'Hot Buttered Soul', but it was from her own personal collection and not for sale. That afternoon I searched online for a copy but was unable to locate it. It was a few months later that I came across a copy and added it to the R'nR with Rylo collection. Unfortunately, they didn't keep the copy very well and there are a few creases and dings on the jacket. The record itself is in good condition, but it's always a bummer when you have corner dings. It's not the worst in our collection. That award goes to a copy of 'Brothers In Arms' by Dire Straits. The mailman had a bad day and looks like it was dropped and then danced on by elephants.

There is only a total of four songs on this album and three of those have a lengthy run time. It infuses a Beatles type sound, similar to that heard on the 'Magical Mystery Tour' album or their 'White Album'. There is that psychedelic funk/soulfulness in every beat and incorporates a transition of sounds, of the late '60s and early '70s nicely. I really think the first song is my favourite, but it's one of those albums that you enjoy different parts with every spin. 'WALK ON BY' is an instant classic and I never get sick of hearing it. I'm sad because I should have put this on the turntable earlier than spin 118! I can hear Jimi Hendrix in the music and the collaboration that could have been crosses my mind. Hayes wasn't known at this stage of his career for his singing and this album was created out of nothing really. Stax records was a very popular label but after the terrible loss of Otis Redding and The Bar-Kays, as well as a few other disasters, the label had to go into mass album production. They told all of their artists to make an album and release them all at the same time. Hayes had an album released prior to this and apparently it wasn't good. I haven't heard it myself and it will be one of those records to search for. I know that he was given full creative control on 'Hot Buttered Soul' and he has made an absolute classic.

I'm listening to the funky beats on 'HYPERBOLICSYLLABICSEQUEDALYMISTIC' and trying to absorb the feeling of this album. We are currently sitting in the front room, after a busy day outside yesterday and enjoying the music. Our son had a scratch on his elbow from a fall at school this week and was holding his arm in a chicken wing style. We tried to wash it and apply another bandage but he was acting as if he had broken his elbow. Thankfully he hasn't but he wasn't allowing us to help him. He was hysterical until we showed him that the cream and new bandage would help. I don't like it when our kids are struggling to deal with what's happening. We have been making a hot chocolate with the milk frother on the coffee machine and It has a distinct beat. The kids have started dancing with me in the kitchen, as it froths up the milk and it's slowly becoming one of my favourite moments. They create some new moves each time and have the biggest smiles on their little faces. We also took the kids to the state parklands near us and look out at the water. There is an old concrete slab, where a house once stood and the kids were running and jumping around like it was a fort.

No matter how emotional they get and lash out at us, Night Kat Kiz and I always try to remember that they are growing and moments go by so quickly. We always try to make things right with them after they settle down and end the night with a story and some hugs. I can see how little boy and girl growing up right before our eyes. Its a happy, yet sad kind of feeling.

Probably the sadder or more emotional track on the album is the song on Side B called, 'ONE WOMAN'. My copy has a really good mix of low bass and I didn't have to adjust the treble or bass on the Marshall Woburn II speaker. This song is also the shortest on the album, with a run time of 5:08 minutes. We then roll into the final song called, 'BY THE TIME I GET TO PHOENIX'. It has a run time of 18:40 and starts with a bit of Hayes speaking to the listener. I can picture him on the stage, commanding your attention with minimal instrumentation being heard. At times this album feels hypnotic and you can hear the low hum of reverb behind his voice on this track. The orchestral arrangements are well thought out by Hayes and the newly formed Bar-Kays. I can only imagine what it would have been like hearing this album in 1969 and how powerful it would have been.

Have you heard any other records from Isaac Hayes or other similar artists that you'd recommend to us? I only have one more album of his called, 'Black Moses'. It has a giant fold out and is another must own Hayes record for your collection. Before listening to this album, I probably knew him better as the voice of Chef from South Park. I'm so thankful that I was flipping through records on the day they played this in the store, because I may not have found this wonderful album. Perfect soul repairing music and after the monologue by Hayes ends, the song just rolls on so seamlessly. It makes me wonder how many albums are still out there that I haven't experienced. Some are due to being out of print but I always look for a great album to add to our collection, no matter what genre it falls under.

I washed the cars with our eldest yesterday and he loved using the hose. I had to move out of his way because he got trigger happy and almost soaked me. Our daughter has been a bit of a threenager recently and being very cheeky. The funny thing is, she isn't even three yet! Well the stylus has now reached the end of Side B and returned back the cradle. I think that I will do some puzzles with the kids and sneak a few quality hugs. Night Kat Kiz and I are ready for a cuppa and we will catch you next week. If you enjoyed today's Spin, let us know in the comments below or on our social pages. Thanks for getting involved in the MWSP and hopefully it has opened your eyes to another album and artist that you need in your life. Keep positive, try your best and hug your loved ones.

Until our next Spin......

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