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Spin #97 : Omnium Gatherum : King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

Writer's picture: R’nR With RyloR’nR With Rylo


Even though it was a shorter working week because of the Australia Day long weekend, it bloody felt long until Thursday night arrived. Maybe it was just me feeling that way, but the hot muggy nights combined with small amounts of change have not been king to Night Kat Kiz and I. Sunday has now arrived and almost time to return back to work on Monday. Before we do though, it's time to put a selection from the R'nR collection onto our turntable and enjoy the music for an hour or two. For the 97th Spin we have chosen 'Omnium Gatherum' by Australian band, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. It is their 20th studio album and a first double LP (Yes, they haven't tried that in their vast collection of albums).

'Omnium Gatherum' means a collection of things and is also the name of a death metal band from Finland I believe. They chose this name because that's exactly how this album started out - off-cut tracks that weren't finished or polished enough for other albums. Similar to their earlier album, 'Oddments' in that respect. This is also not the first KGLW album that we have reviewed with the kids and you can check out our other Sunday spin by clicking on this link.

The artwork will make you hold it and look at it for a while, trying to see hidden images and finer details. Is it drawn from the viewpoint of someone looking up a tall skyscraper or staring across an endless bridge towards magenta coloured mountains. Jason Galea has done a lot of album designs now for the band and this one has a '90s Nintendo feeling about it. Plus the title of the album is a shiny silver colour that really stands out from the pink/beige of the artwork. The inside of the gatefold seems to continue the idea of combining songs in the form of art and allowing the listener to locate each song reference within the image. Lyrics have been included on the slipcases and a few photos from the band. Overall a very well manufactured and produced record. I've been storing the LPs on the outside of the gatefold as it seems slightly too tight with both records stored.

I've been swapping which system to play the record on depending on work needs over the week too. I think I'll spin this one for the children in our front room, until it gets too warm. The album will be played on our Audio-Technica turntable and Marshall Woburn II speaker. It really is a great speaker if you are able to spend the money on one. While listening along, I'll chance my arm at creating a KGLW inspired coffee design and dust it off with chocolate for Night Kat Kiz.

Image: Stu Mackenzie, Ambrose Kenny-Smith, Michael Cavanagh, Joey Walker, Cook Craig and Lucas Harwood

Can you believe that in 2022 the band released another batch of five albums! This was the second release in April and you'd think with that kind of output that they would have another album cooked up and ready release. I mean it is almost the end of January 2024 and there hasn't been an album since October. I'm only kidding. One day it will be sad when the boys decide to release one album a year or give up the game entirely. We have been very spoilt by them, even if you haven't enjoyed everything that they have released.

It's time to #dropthestylus on 'Omnium Gatherum' LP 1 and sit back and relax for this 18 minute beast of a track!

Yes, the opening track is the only track on Side A.

*Jaws of the blog readers have hit the floor with a thud*

It's called 'THE DRIPPING TAP' and on first listen might not be everyone's cup of coffee. I'm guessing at first it wasn't even the bands cup, but might have been the catalyst for their renewed inspiration to tweak and polish this epic jam session. It really does feel like a combination of jamming and shaking the cobwebs off after not being able to play in the same room all together (The World put up a 'We're Closed' sign you know). Our children have decided to go back down the hallway and get some duplo/lego blocks out. I think they might be building the pyramid from the T.V show, 'Gladiators'. We have been watching that before bed this week and our son has been re-enacting the games they play. It has been wholesome to watch his excitement, as I was the same when watching the '90s show. He was wearing a firefighter's t-shirt and decided that his Gladiator name is 'Flame'. I asked him wheat Dad's name would be and he responded by calling me, 'Rockstar'.

Has this song been played on the radio? If it has, it comes in at 18 minutes and 17 seconds. It was originally recorded for 2019's 'Fishing for Fishies' album and that album has a lot of boogie to it. Kenny-Smith (front man of the band, 'The Murlocs') also gets his chance to wail on the harmonica during 'THE DRIPPING TAP' and you can hear the enjoyment as the band plays. They have missed each other and it reminds me that I have a dripping tap outside that needs replacing (tried washers and all of that, tap unit replacement next).

Have you ever been to hammerbarn? Well they have these small trolleys for children to push around the store and probably at 7:00am on a Monday morning, would work out great with a 5 year old and coming up-to 3 year old. We went on a weekend at 1100am and both of them wanted the trolleys. It was packed and they didn't want to push them once we had to put items into them (I know, how dare us). I love giving them these moments but it has been an exhausting kind of week. We did get some relax time swimming at family bbq and also chilling out to some good music during the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown with friends.

Before you know it, the seemingly endless jam winds down and the tonearm moves across to the deadwax, signifying it's time to lift the stylus and flip the LP over. With our turntable, it is automatic and I don't have to lift or drop the stylus. On our loungeroom set-up, we have the analog style and get to place the stylus down onto the groove. What do you prefer? Automated or Manual turntable?While I am flipping the LP over, here is a fun game to play with fellow KGLW fans. Since 2012, what has been the only year that the band have not managed to release a studio album? It's not a trick question either and I know that they haven't released one in 2024, because it's January! I am not including that in the trivia. I'll come back to this and let you know at the end of our Sunday spin!

In June of 2021 there was an album released called 'Butterfly 3000'. It was synth heavy and proggy and would be the most obvious album choice for the opening song on Side 2 to have been an off-cut from. Hard to believe that it didn't find space on that album, but glad that it got re-worked and finally released. At times this album will feel like a best of, without any of the songs actually being released previously. Originally played live at the 'Return of the Curse of Timeland' festival and the crowd instantly loved it. I like the fact that they all have different musical influences and ideas that they want to record as an album. Because they are all such good mates, they take chances and you never quite know what album you are going to get next. The latest album was released in October 2023 and there is the radio friendly length version and the extended version of, 'The Silver Cord'. Something worth checking out if you enjoyed this song.

Side B keeps rolling on and we get a jazzy style number in 'KEPLER-22B'. The planet itself is noted down as a possible super-Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. The bassline of Lucas really stands out as you follow this song along. I'm not entirely sure what album was this an off-cut from, but it seems inspired by the album, 'Sketches of Brunswick East'. Cavs on the drums is rock solid and if you haven't heard his solo effort LP, grab yourself a copy from the KGLW webstore or stream it online. This track really suits my mood that I'm currently in and probably most liked track so far on the album.

Maybe the next song is a left over from 'Infest the Rat's Nest' or it was the inspiration for the not yet released at the time, 'Petrodragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night : An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation' album. (What a mouthful that album title is to say out loud). 'GAIA' is much heavier than anything heard so far on this album and is best listened to with the sound up a bit louder. The vocal effects on Mackenzie and Kenny-Smiths microphones make their voices sound primal. If you want to see a live studio jam session that has extended drumming sections that sound similar to Danny Carey from Tool - Click here.

Side B has some of my favourite tracks on this album and up next is the jazzy, mellow, soulful sounding tunes of 'AMBERGRIS'. That bassline should be illegal!!! Is anyone else getting a slight sense that this sounds a small bit like a Prince tribute song? We were sitting on the beach today and letting the kids run around and build sandcastles for a while before getting some fish and chips. This song would be the one that I'd play as Night Kat Kiz and I stare at the ships on the horizon. It was a nice moment together. I've chosen lyrics from this track as our favourite below too. The piano playing with that guitar work gives me Stevie Ray vibes. The track moves into the next song like a transmission getting disturbed on your radio station. Have we picked up a different radio station because the last song on Side B is more like a Beastie Boys song.

Amby is supported by grandmother on 'SADIE SORCERESS' and is such a fun song to have turned up loud. Our daughter started dancing windmills in the hallway to this one. Stood out because it was different to what they've put out on their albums previously and seems to go really quick too. Side B now comes to an end and it's time to change LPs.

Favourite lyric:

"Haven't you heard? They worked out double standards. Apply only to me. Finally, It's working" ~ Ambergris - Side B

Are we listening to Electric Light Orchestra? No it's still the same band. KGLW blend a few of their albums on this track 'EVILEST MAN' and it really showcases a lot of their strengths. Mackenzie on the WOO and makes me thing this song was meant to be on the 'Fishing for Fishies' album. The synth sounds from 'Butterfly 3000' are also audible and if you squint your ears, you can also hear some of that heavier sounding fuzz of the guitars. Our children enjoyed the sounds of this song ending before it moves into the 'THE GARDEN GOBLIN'. You feel like your watching a children's television show introduction and the band are surrounded by Jim Henson puppets. The speaker sounds really good for the low and high sounds of this track that is folk inspired and synthy. The chorus ramps up the tempo a bit too and the sounds of birds can be heard throughout the song. For me the best part of the song is the ending when it blends in with the next song, 'BLAME IT ON THE WEATHER'. These last two songs could be one continuous jam to be honest and almost feels like an album is building here when the next track on Side C comes on. You almost forget that this is a collection of songs over the last few years but maybe these are the songs that were written during these rekindled jam sessions.

I like the overall feeling of 'PERSISTENCE' , it's quite a motivational chorus that is sung through the Marshall Woburn II speaker. The bassline sounds like it could break out into 'SADIE SORCERESS' again at any moment. Our 5 year old son was constantly asking us for a chocolate muffin this week and is definitely not something he is lacking.....showing persistence. "Ooo Baby, I got persistence. Keep pushing like the Ford motor pistons". Another rap style track rounds out Side C with Ambrose on the mic again, 'THE GRIM REAPER'. He is singing from the character of being the reaper as he sings and the sound samples coming through are pretty awesome. More of an eastern flavour that oddly goes with the lyrics of, "Rotting flesh odorous, The grim reaper cashes the cheque". I don't know if they will put out a complete rap/hip-hp album, but Ambrose seems to have a knack for putting out some fun songs. The song ends with some light sounding keys being played before the stylus comes to the end and it's time to flip the LP over to Side D.

'PRESUMPTUOUS' leads us off and instantly gets our attention. The isolated vocals and slowly building organ or keyboard being played, drums and tambourine too. What does it remind me of? I'm not sure, but the flute of Joey is a highlight on this track and it becomes a jazzy jam session at the mid-way point. Maybe it's just the vocals of Ambrose again that I like, but really liked this one. I have collected a few of 'The Murlocs' records in our collection too because he is the front man for that band. If you haven't heard of them, check them out. While I was saying that the speaker sounds like it is having a spasm as the pulsing sounds of heavier track, 'PREDATOR X' begins to ooze out. Cavs obviously loves it behind the kit when there is a heavier style track being created by the band. Mackenzie has that rough vocals that go so well on this song and for me the guitar work of Mackenzie and Walker really hook you in. It could have been included on their 'Infest the Rats Nest' album so easily and is a shame that we missed out on it. Thankfully, we still get it now even if it doesn't flow after the softer sounding songs - "Predator X, Leviathan without a fin. Predator X, Beast from below, water hero".

As if someone is behind the mixing board or deck swapping tracks, we move into the sounds of 'RED SMOKE'. I like this song because it uses a vibraphone! Yes, Bobby Hutcherson would be so proud. It was his birthday over the weekend and always recommend that you listen to some of his awesome albums if you get the time. If you haven't got the time, then make the time. I don't know what album this one would have suited and I guess that is what the band decided too. Good enough to polish, leave it for when they have more to go with it.

This next song sounds more like a interlude that has been given lyrics by Mackenzie. 'CANDLES' won't be your favourite track but seems to round out the album nicely with a dreamlike sequence and would sound quite nice with a good pair of headphones on. Possibly more like 'Yellow Submarine' and the blue meanies era 'Beatles' kind of song. I do like the percussion and samba style that makes you want to get up on your feet and shuffle a bit. At least that is what our kids are doing right now as they listen to this one. Last night I hurt my foot on the corner of our son's bed while we were getting them tucked in for story time. I hit the top of my foot on a sharp part of the post and it hurt a fair bit. Our son was so concerned and said, "Dad you have to be more careful and focused. Here is a pillow for your leg". He then made room in the bed for me to lay down and get better. It was lovely to see. He has been such a caring little boy at such a young age and is lovely to see as a parent. I didn't even realise that we are now on the last track of the album - 'THE FUNERAL'. The cross between the last two songs is seamless and I love the sounds on this almost instrumental track. I can see why they paired these last two songs together to finish the album and maybe they should make a samba/latin inspired album.

Maybe this album is a good one to start with if you want a scatter gun approach to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard's sound. It offers a lot of different styles and somehow works well as an overall listening experience. The answer to the trivia question from before was: 2018 - how many of you figured it out without using the internet for help? Hopefully I got you all writing down the albums or flipping through your KGLW collections to get the answer.

Well the long weekend is over and more memories have been time stamped for eternity in the Rylo family. Thanks for sitting with us as we listened to 'Omnium Gatherum'. I know a couple of you guessed the MWSP for this spin and I appreciate you all getting involved. It is a bit of fun that I like doing each week. These spins give me a deeper connection with the artist and albums and I'll keep doing it on a weekly basis for as long as I can. Hug your loved ones, play some cricket outside and keep spinning records!

"Accept yourself, Love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down" - Roy T. Bennett

Until our next Spin, be Kind to garden goblins and be Kind to your Wax!











33 1/3 RPM





















































King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard on stage

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